Relationships; Big on grace, quick to forgive, hard to break!
This should be true of all relationships, but especially Christian relationships. It’s beyond me how quickly relationships become disposable. One of the most important things about building healthy relationships is realizing that other people are valuable. The principle of value tells me that I need to value others. I need to value their place, their […]
View Relationships; Big on grace, quick to forgive, hard to break!
When I walked with failure.
God uses failure in our lives to teach us lessons that have more to do with the heart than the mind. Success doesn’t teach us nearly as much as failure. There’s an old poem, I’m slightly shortening and changing it; “I walked a mile with Success, she chatted all the way. But left me none […]
Resolve the issues.
We are unique individuals, and we will have different viewpoints and disagreements that will occur in all our relationships. When conflict arises we can either handle it negatively or positively. Under pressure we will discover each other’s faults and weaknesses, such as tendencies to depression, irresponsibility, oversensitivity or perfectionism. What causes disputes and destroys unity? […]
Maintaining healthy boundaries with difficult people.
There are people whose lives are destroyed by associating with the wrong people. One of the sad realities of life is that there are relationships where the only way to maintain health is to draw distinct boundaries, to pull back from them, sometimes even to not associate with them. If you can influence them towards […]
Shame is removed by love.
Shame is an emotion that will keep you forever chained to the past. It will prevent you from ever rising up to fulfill God’s calling on your life. Shame is keeping us defeated… Shame keeping us from answered prayer… Shame is a dream thief… Shame keeping us from fulfilling the destiny that God has created […]
Self-care and healing.
Our refusal to deal with our painful past, is only causing our failure in our present and future. This is why we must to make SELF-CARE and HEALING a priority not for others, but for ourselves. Your wholeness matters to God, and it should matter to you. How I can help others, when I can’t […]
Wisdom knows when to step back in the relationship.
There is a time to stand for God and disconnect from a bad cause. When someone asks you to do something that goes against your conviction or immoral, illegal, or something that clearly goes against God’s word, then it’s time to step away. You don’t even need to pray about it. It’s time to pull […]
Great relationships are never built short-term. It’s impossible.
I cannot bring everything that I have to offer into someone’s life in just 3 or 5 short months. Nor can I add substantial value to an individual in just one year. My friends must be willing to commit to a long-lasting relationship. Great relationships are never built short term — it’s impossible! There must […]
View Great relationships are never built short-term. It’s impossible.
Use your ears more than your mouth.
How do I become more sympathetic? Use your ears more than your mouth. In others words, learn to listen. When you learn to listen you will automatically become sympathetic with the other person’s feelings. Listening says “I care! When you listen to somebody you’re giving them one of the greatest gifts saying, “You matter to […]
We cannot be in healthy relationships without healthy boundaries.
To set boundaries, first we need to learn to communicate without blaming. In other words, stop saying things like: “YOU make me so angry; YOU hurt me; YOU make me crazy; how could YOU do that to me after all I have done for you”; , etc. These are the very types of messages we […]
View We cannot be in healthy relationships without healthy boundaries.