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July 21, 2024 “Relating On Purpose”- Special Edited Edition
July 25, 2024

We all want to experience better relationships. God has not designed your relationships to be vehicles for human happiness but as instruments of ministry and redemption. Celebrating any relationship depends on the precise definition of PURPOSE and VISION. Singleness of purpose is a significant factor when looking to qualify your relationships. It is essential to…

July 21, 2024 “The Law of Single Purpose- Purpose Chooses Your Relationships.”
July 22, 2024

Celebrating any relationship depends on the precise definition of PURPOSE and VISION. The necessity of unity and singleness of purpose is often overshadowed in a world that values diversification and tolerance. Every purpose has and requires a journey. But never allow what happens to you on the journey to control or govern your life. Purpose…

Cultivating Honor-The Goal of Confrontation” Part- 2
July 18, 2024

Any quality relationship completely depends upon the willingness of MUTUAL PURSUIT. The highest joys of any relationship grow in the soil of the deepest struggles. Struggles are not obstacles but instruments in God’s hands. Every struggle is an opportunity to experience God’s grace yourself and give it to the other person. Every day in your…

July 14th, 2024-  Part- 7 “The Key To God’s Treasure.”
July 16, 2024

There is no subject in the life of a believer that is more misunderstood and neglected than “The Fear of the Lord.” If you’ve reached the point where you are uncertain about the future and don’t know what to do… You have worked hard and long; now you’ve come upon this season of your life…

July 10, 2024, The Undiscovered Power of Relationships (The Signs of Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships
July 11, 2024

Healthy relationships, as you'll soon discover, are not just about effort but also about understanding. They can be tricky and challenging, but you can navigate them successfully with the proper knowledge. We've all experienced broken relationships. In our pain and woundedness, we can build walls to keep the pain out and prevent ourselves from being…

June 16th, 2024 “Recalibrating Your Life- Navigating Transitions with Purpose and Hope. Part- 3
July 11, 2024

Happy Father's Day, and thank you for joining us this morning at The Gathering Place. We are honored to have you. Today’s message is “Recalibrating Your Life.” As we reflect on the unchanging nature of God, we are reminded that our lives are a constant journey of change. We may plan our steps, but the…


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