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When I walked with failure.

| Failure, Hope

God uses failure in our lives to teach us lessons that have more to do with the heart than the mind. Success doesn’t teach us nearly as much as failure.

There’s an old poem, I’m slightly shortening and changing it; “I walked a mile with Success, she chatted all the way. But left me none the wiser, for all she had to say. I walked a mile with Failure, and she never said a word. But oh, the things I learned when failure walked with me.”

When God has us walk a mile with failure, it’s not because He is teaching us how to be failures in life, He’s teaching us important life lessons through that failure. We need to walk with failure to learn wisdom, humility and perseverance.

When we fail, we can feel like our story is going in the trash. But the truth is that when we give our failures over to God, He uses them to teach us invaluable life lessons that help our story to bring glory to God and hope to people!


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