Do Not Make People The “Other”
This is a dangerous trend in our society, and sadly we as Christians have been quite complicit. We label people as those other people. “Those liberal idiots.” “Those conservative crazies.” “Those conspiracy theorist freaks.” We have seen some unbelievable statements from Christians about people they disagree with. We are dehumanizing people made in the image […]
In My Darkest Days
What I can say without a doubt. There is a love that will never fail us. Even though life bears loss, pain, and regret, there is love waiting to hold us tight. Even though there will be times when we fiercely desire intimacy and belonging, there is love calling us to draw near. No matter […]
Be Cautious With Your Anger
“People with quick tempers cause a lot of quarreling and trouble.” (Prov 29:22) When you read or hear something that triggers anger in you, pause. Take a deep breath and take a moment. What is going on? The bible does not say that being angry is a bad thing. Jesus got angry at times! However, […]
What Forgiveness Requires
Forgiveness is an investment in your relationship with God and in your relationship with others. As with all investments, there’s cost involved. In any investment you make, your concern is that the return will be greater than the cost. So it’s important to consider the requirements of forgiveness for you and your relationships. Here is […]
Your Bible Is Not A Collection of Religious Stories
Have you noticed that your Bible isn’t arranged by topic? I know that this frustrates some. You wish that your Bible was structured like an encyclopedia with alphabetized tabs on every page so you could easily find your subject of interest. But your Bible isn’t organized that way because of Divine intention. Your Bible is […]
To Every Hurting Mother
When God gave gifts, He absolutely gave one of the best to women. But it’s precisely because motherhood is so precious yet, Mother’s Day can be so painful for many mom’s. My own mother passed away 7 years ago, and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her. Every year on Mother’s […]
Every major religion, except Christianity, is based on performing-for or pleasing a deity. Your good actions get you favor, your bad actions get you punishment and distance. One of the most fundamental tenants of our Christian faith, is that we cannot ever perform well enough to earn God’s love and favor. Instead, God flips it […]
“When You Go Through Deep Waters”
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your […]
Be Known By Your Love
How did Jesus say people would know we are His followers? Was it by Facebook comments? Was it by how many times we could call someone we disagree with an “idiot”? “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35 We are supposed to be known by […]
What Makes An Invisible God Visible?
We need God’s help more than ever in His church and world. God has been dealing so deeply with me about this very issue. How I have failed in this and need Him more and more in my life. How will the world know Him? How do we, yes I said we, make this invisible […]