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Content by Sam Hinn

Gratitude Is The Best Remedy For Discouragement

Gratitude is the best remedy for discouragement but small doses of gratitude will not lift us out of discouragement. Cultivating a grateful heart is not just the tipping of the hat to God as we journey through our day. When despondent, we need divine renewal and there is a deep connection between restored joy and […]

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Blessed Are The Merciful

We sometimes describe people saying, “He is so unmerciful.” We mean by this that he lacks feeling for others. He is void of compassion. He has a harsh and judgmental spirit. This should not be with true disciples of Jesus! Those who are the salt of the earth and the light of the world are […]

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Mercy Defines My Posture

My place in God’s narrative of mercy must define my posture toward others, especially those outside of the faith. Think of how this could transform our approach to others and our witness to the gospel. “Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.” (Matt 5:7) Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Forgive us our […]

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“He Sat Down…”

These words are in the first chapter of Hebrews and are found in a phrase that says of Jesus, “After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” (Hebrews 1:3) “He sat down!” What amazing words! They can only mean one thing. The work that […]

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Teach Us To Pray- What Does It Mean?

Most Sundays, The Lord’s Prayer can be heard echoing in churches around the US and the world. “So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.” (Luke 11) Many of us feel comforted or peaceful when we recite what are possibly Jesus’ most famous […]

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He Will Meet Every Need. His Grace Is Sufficient

You do not have to be afraid no matter how burdened you are, no matter how weary you are, no matter what you’re facing the next day, no matter how confused you are about life. He will meet your needs! He has power beyond your understanding. He has love that you cannot place in your […]

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Imagine The Chance Of A Lifetime

Imagine for a moment that you have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to spend an hour over coffee with someone you really admire. It could be a religious leader, a politician, an author, a sports figure, an entrepreneur, or whoever. Just someone you really respect. Well, naturally you’d be overwhelmed by the opportunity, and you’d think of […]

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Is There Some Place In Life Where You’re Hiding The Real You?

May I encourage you, so you never lose hope? May I pastor you for a moment? Did you know that one of the most comforting messages in the entire Bible is that, in all of our sin, weakness, and failure, we don’t have to hide from God? In the midst of all your self-imposed difficulty […]

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Stop God-Lipping

One of the biggest obstacles to understanding the Bible is ALREADY understanding the Bible. Let me explain. We somehow make an interpretation of a passage that isn’t necessarily wrong, but misses the main point and keeps us convinced enough to stop looking for the main point. For example, Exodus 20:7 the Third Commandment says, “You […]

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God May Seem Silent, But He Never Really Is

God May Seem Silent, But He Never Really Is… Have you ever felt that God was not answering your prayers or that He was silent? I have as well. It may even feel like God is punishing you and pushed you away, but that is NEVER true! The psalmist tells us, “Be still before the […]

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