Gratitude Is The Best Remedy For Discouragement
Gratitude is the best remedy for discouragement but small doses of gratitude will not lift us out of discouragement. Cultivating a grateful heart is not just the tipping of the hat to God as we journey through our day.
When despondent, we need divine renewal and there is a deep connection between restored joy and a thankful heart.
Un-thankfulness is more than a personal matter; it’s a spiritual issue that affects our fellowship with God and our joy in God. It’s also a loss of perspective that potentially insults God.
Do you easily lean toward negativity? Do you tend to see what’s wrong in life? Do you focus more on what you don’t have?
Ungrateful people take the path of laziness that leads to mediocrity and misery. Never forget that those who rejected God “neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him.” (Romans 1:21)