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Content by Sam Hinn

You Were Created To Be A Worshiper

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23-24) You can’t divide human beings up into two categories – […]

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All Human Beings Have A Deep Desire To Understand

All Human Beings Have A Deep Desire To Understand… We spend much of our time each day trying to figure life out. We’re not designed, like the rest of creation, to live by instinct. Our desire to understand and our ability to interpret are holy gifts from God, designed to draw us near to Him, […]

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My Morning Devotion- Lessons From Psalm 4

King David and the way he responds to suffering. Here’s a quick summary: 1- In times of trouble, it’s helpful to remember with specificity the past acts of God’s relieving mercy and grace. 2- When suffering enters our door, we should be angry, but our anger should be motivated by the law of God, not […]

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Set Your Face Like Flint

Question, what are we to set our focus on? We’re not just looking onto Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith, but as our master example of someone who stayed focused. This is what the Bible is talking about when it says Jesus “set His face like a flint.” “I gave My back […]

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Desiring God

Faith is not only an agreement with facts about God and Jesus. It’s a matter of appetite and longing; hunger and thirst; satisfaction and fulfillment -all in the One who is the bread of life. Faith involves satisfaction of our deepest longings and needs. Our hearts are hungry until we find satisfaction in God; Our […]

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Do Not Try To Be The Master Of Your Own Destiny

Do Not Try To Be The Master Of Your Own Destiny… “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” (Philippians 2:13) What a powerful revelation. When we give ourselves to God and allow Him to be our voice, and to work in us, this gives […]

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Five Very Significant Words- “I Will Be With You!”

“I Will Be With You…” Five Very Significant Words! And then God says to Gideon, “And the Lord said to him, (five very significant words), ‘I will be with you.’” (Judges 6) God says, “You don’t understand Gideon; your ability, your calling, is not based on your courage; it is not based on your understanding; […]

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The Importance of Words

The Importance of Words… How much did you talk yesterday? Can you remember half of what you said? Some of us talk more than others, but even those of us who are considered quiet say a lot during the course of a day. From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to […]

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Situation + Me + God= FEAR

Situation + Me + God= FEAR. Fear by its very nature, an interpretation of life! Here’s the equation in these kinds of moments, particularly for us who say that we believe in God. I look at the size of the situation; I look at my ability or inability; I add to that who I think […]

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“My Grace Is Sufficient For You…”

Divine grace will always guide us through trouble, but it will not necessarily prevent us from experiencing problems and trials. “My grace is sufficient for you…” (2 Cor. 12:9) Though we may not always be spared from trouble, or immediately delivered from our trials, some good will always come out of them. (Heb. 12:11) The […]

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