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Do Not Try To Be The Master Of Your Own Destiny

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Do Not Try To Be The Master Of Your Own Destiny…

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” (Philippians 2:13)

What a powerful revelation. When we give ourselves to God and allow Him to be our voice, and to work in us, this gives us the power and desire to do that which is pleasing in His sight.

Do not try to be the master of your own destiny. Allow God to be the Master Planner for your life. Human nature dictates that we want to take control of our own lives.

This is natural in us from our birth. If we will submit ourselves to Him, He will carry out His will in our lives. This in turn releases Him to do the things in our lives that will lead to our success.

God will gather all of our thoughts and words, formed and unformed and align them into His proper channel as He moves and speaks on our behalf, ensuring a good outcome.


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