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Content by Sam Hinn

Meaning Makers… This Is Us.

Human beings are meaning makers. We are constantly searching for answers and seeking meaning and purpose for the events and activities in our lives. We suffer, struggle, achieve or rest, we ask ourselves, consciously or subconsciously, “What is the point? What’s the purpose? What does it all mean?” Everyday, as we try to make sense […]

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It All Sounds Good Until I Hear The Word, “BUT!”

So Jesus and his disciples set out for Bethany to go see His friend Lazarus. The trip there takes them four days. As Jesus is arriving he is informed that His friend Lazarus has been dead for four days. Martha the older sister of Lazarus goes out to meet Him. As she is walking up […]

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Lessons From A Blind Friend

We Have Two Sets Of Eyes… We have two sets of eyes. More important than our physical eyes, we live by the eyes of the heart. My friend is physically blind, but spiritually he has very good vision. Every day, he exercises that mysterious ability that God gives to his children to see the unseen. […]

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Be Generous. Be Tender

We are not just the recipients of God’s work of redemption, we’re the instruments of that work as well, we’re called to be His representatives. The Bible is a generosity story. It could be summarized by these words: “God so loved the world that He gave.” He was generous at creation. He’s generous in the […]

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Don’t Make Resolutions. Make Commitments To Change

This time of year, we’re all thinking about change. We’re going to change our diet, go to the gym, and finally lose that unwanted weight (blah, blah, blah) Why are we so consumed with change? Let’s be honest, because we love ourselves, we want our best life now. In many ways, our resolutions for change […]

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Wow It Felt Good To Let That Out…

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8) Just say it. Jesus paid it all. One more time – Jesus paid it all. Next time that you are down on yourself and think that you have the power to change […]

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Hurtful, Judgmental, Self-Righteous…

We say and do things that are hurtful, judgmental, self-righteous and that are morally and spiritually wrong. We are not to knowingly offend our brothers and sisters especially the babes in Christ. What does Jesus think about that? He said, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were […]

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You Have Never Spoken A Neutral Word In Your Life

The book of Proverbs is, in ways, a discourse on words spoken. I would summarize it this way: words give life; words bring death — you choose. What does this mean? It means you have never spoken a neutral word in your life. Words have direction to them. If our words are moving in the […]

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The Invisible Grace of Christmas

When I think about the conditions in which the ultimate incarnation of Grace came to be with us, I am humbled. Today’s representation of that day looks nothing like the first one. On that blessed night, in the visible world, Grace was born… * Out of a social shameful out-of-wedlock conception and apparent illegitimacy. * […]

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His Faithfulness

God doesn’t change His mind. He doesn’t ride the roller-coaster of the rise and fall of emotions. His heart isn’t a battle zone of conflicting motivations. He doesn’t get bored, tired or distracted. He won’t quit what He has begun. He won’t forsake those upon whom He has placed His love. When it comes to […]

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