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Content by Sam Hinn

You Don’t Write The Story Of Your Existence

You can never have a Biblical view of Christianity and somehow put God outside of your trouble. God is in the middle of your trouble; and so, immediately that begs the question, ‘Why would God allow this kind of difficulty, after He says in one-hundred ways, He loves so deeply and so fully’?” Why do […]

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“Please Forgive Me, I have not Loved You The Way I Am Loved…”

As I think about the Cross of Jesus as we approach ‘Good Friday.’ I can’t help but think about the forgiveness that was poured out on me. Maybe we need to seek forgiveness of the people in our lives. Husbands and wives who need to say, “Please forgive me. I have not loved you as […]

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Love Loves The Undeserving

I think of Him getting ready to hang on the Cross. Jesus saw the back of His Father’s head–shocking thing–What love! I think of Him looking at His church often divided, often broken, and yet not turning His back, loving us every moment of our existence, although we could never earn it–What love! Love loves […]

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Why Me? Why Now?

Read this very carefully… “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” (James 1:2) Notice the words here, “…when you encounter trials of various kinds.” It’s important to notice the words of Scripture. He doesn’t say ‘if’-you wish he would say ‘if’ because if he said ‘if,’ you could hope […]

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Holy Week is about the power to start over again. God gives us the power to change and to be different. I’ve discovered that I can learn from the past, but I’ve also learned I can’t rediscover my future looking back. God’s purpose is never behind you, it’s always ahead of you! Think about Peter, […]


Humility Is My Response

Humility radically changes the way you respond to the weakness, failure, immaturity, error or opposition of others. If you admit how wrong you are capable of being, how you too can be thoughtless, how prideful you can be, and how patience is still a struggle, then it’s much harder to go on the attack. And […]

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Three Ways To Encourage People

Like you, having battled storms in life, God has a way of bringing good lessons through the storms. I am humbled to walk with and among some amazing, “wound healers,” to bring HOPE to those battling hopelessness. Three quick ways to encourage people. 1- Through Words- This is the number one way we either encourage […]

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You Are The Salt Of The Earth

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. Matt 5:13 If you grew up north, during the winter to melt the snow and ice of the […]

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“God Is Love”- What A Statement!

What an amazing statement, a statement that could only ever be said of God. God is love, essential to everything that God is, expressed in everything that God does, says, chooses and desires is love. God is the definition of what is loving, faithful, pure and active in love; God is love. It’s not just […]

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The Inescapable Call

“Beloved, let us love one another.” (1 John 4) It is the inescapable call of God to all of God’s children, the call of love. You may not have been called to be a pastor, preacher or a teacher. You may not have been called to the office of elder or deacon. You may not […]

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