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Content by Sam Hinn

Talk About A Bizarre Metaphor Isaiah 55

From the beginning of time, there has been an immeasurable distance between the mind of God and the comprehension of humans. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9) You simply don’t have the capacity to understand life […]

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Pleasing People Isn’t Hard: It’s Impossible

An addiction is something that controls people—it is something they feel they cannot live without, or something they feel driven to do in order to relieve pressure, pain, or discomfort of some kind. Someone addicted to drugs, for instance, will do whatever he needs to in order to get another ‘fix’ when he begins to […]

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The End Isn’t The Most Painful… (Not An Easy Topic)

People change, relationships change, and sometimes sadly the relationship ends. The end of a relationship is also the chance to start a new. If I were to ask you what you find the most painful in a relationship, what would you say? Is it betrayal, uncertainty, or rather feeling useless or unloved? Relationships begin and […]

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When You Are In Your Darkest Hour

When you are in your darkest hour, in your deepest void, in your greatest doubt, feeling like you can’t hang on to God, don’t worry – God is holding on to you. You must come to the realization as you doubt in yourself, that your faith is not based on your devotion to Him, but […]

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For Those Who Battle Depression and Hopelessness

After grace, LIFE is the most precious gift that humanity has been given. There are many times life becomes hard and difficult and we feel overwhelmed by life’s circumstances. Many times things get so unbearable that people wish they were dead or had never been born. “So that my soul chooses strangling, and death rather […]

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Life Is Difficult Sometimes

There are many times in life that I have felt deserted by God, but it wasn’t Him… It was me. Many times I went through a rough time and I cried out and felt alone. Have you been there? Sure you have, we all have felt alone, desperate, frightened, but I want you to know […]

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What God Saw in a Murderer

Man looks at the outside and sees failure and weakness as God looks at the inside and sees wisdom and grace, justice and integrity, mercy and goodness, and a hope born in the Spirit of Jesus. He sees the vulnerabilities and abilities of each and every one of us as His child. God does not […]

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Think You’ve Got Problems?

Difficulties in life are nothing new. Sometimes when we are going through rough times, we feel like we have been deserted by God, or think God doesn’t care, or think He is unfair. There are going to be times when we are afraid for ourselves. There are going to be times when we think we […]

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Growing Healthy Friendships- Removing Expectations

Regardless of how long you have been friends, and no matter how much you have been through together, your friendships can never fully escape the disappointment. Sometimes we enter into a friendship with, “what can this person do for me?” This is the default question of the human heart. But by God’s grace, we can […]

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When I Think of Friendships

Friendships are redemptive. If God really loved us, wouldn’t he make our relationships conflict-free? I wish! But the fact of the matter is that the Lord’s primary purpose in our life is redemption. When our sin, or our friend’s sin, is exposed, we have two options: run away or lean in. Do you hide in […]

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