God Wants To Heal Your Damaged Emotions.
This morning as I prepare for Sunday this verse is screaming at me to share with those who need God to heal their emotions… “He restores my soul!” (Ps. 23:3) You got hurt, you’ve beat yourself up because of discouragement, depression and despair. You’re tired of feeling like a failure. Your frustrations and fear got […]
The Four Emotions Connected To Loss In Life.
This post tonight is for those who are battling grief over someone or something taken. When you’ve had a major setback, you start by unloading your emotions. Job’s faced a disaster in his life. In Job 1:20, it says this about Job, “Job stood up, he tore his robes in grief…” To this day this […]
We All Love Comeback Stories.
I recently shared in my post that I believe God is going to engineer the greatest of comebacks in the days ahead! This Sunday, I will begin a series on this very subject. Until then, I pray this post encourages every single person who is emotionally tired and here is why. There are NO comebacks […]
They Said, “It’s Over” – Jesus said, “No, It Is Finished!”
God works amazingly good things through disappointment. At the moment that the disciples hung their heads in disappointment and said, “it’s over”, Jesus bowed his head and said, “it is finished.” Our GREATEST GOOD was accomplished in what seemed to be the DARKEST HOUR! Are there disappointments that have shaken your faith? Have you been […]
View They Said, “It’s Over” – Jesus said, “No, It Is Finished!”