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Content by Sam Hinn

Why Do Angels Always Say, “Fear Not”?

Why Do Angels Always Say, “Fear Not”. What are the first words out of almost every angel’s mouth? “Fear not!” In Luke, the angel Gabriel tells Mary she’s having a baby, and says, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” Then when Jesus is born, an angel appears to shepherds […]

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How Do I Break This Pattern?

Jesus taught us that communication is always from the heart. Matthew 12:34 Jesus said, “For out of the overflow of the HEART the mouth speaks.” Have you ever had one of those moments when something comes out of your mouth and you didn’t mean to say it and you know the results that are going […]

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We Fear The Unknown- We Can’t Validate The Unknown

We Fear The Unknown Because We Can’t Validate The Unknown. We don’t know what will happen, if we break free from this pattern. Over the past few days and weeks, I have been DISENTANGLING myself. God gave me this word, and He has been doing it in me. We will always go back to the […]

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Why am I like this?

This is one of the deepest and biggest life questions we can ask. We look at ourselves and ask, “Why is my character like this? Why is my mind like this? Why are my emotions like this? Why am I weak in these areas and strong in others?” Psalm 139 traces us all and all […]

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Validation- Everybody wants to be important

Almost every human is actively pursuing relationship. We like having friends. We are afraid of being left out and isolated. The reality is relationships are hard. They induce conflict, annoyances, offenses, and frustrations. They are sources of stress and they demand so much from us. Many relationships end in failure and heartbreak. Yet we still […]

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He Prepares A Table For Me

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.” (Psa 23:5) I love Psalm 23 because when I return to this psalm for refreshment, I repeat each line numerous times, letting it come to life in my imagination, as the Holy Spirit […]

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God Never Intended HAPPINESS To Be The Object Of Life

God Never Intended HAPPINESS To Be The Object Of Life! Instead, it is a by-product of the person you become and the kind of life you live. If you study the teaching of Jesus, you never hear Him say “I came to fill your life with fun and good feelings.” In fact, He never seemed […]

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Your Worth Has To Do With Your Value

No matter how much applause we received yesterday, we can’t be certain we will receive it again tomorrow. But what might happen if we let the person who determines our worth be God? In Ephesians 2:10 we learn: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do […]

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Don’t Quit On Your Dream

Don’t you quit on your dream. Don’t you quit on the call of God on your life. Don’t you quit on what God put in your heart. You might have gone through some hurtful stuff. But if God called you to it, believe that He can give you the strength, and the healing and He […]

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That Broken- Up You Is A Better You

Jesus Was Broken To Give HOPE To The Broken. You may have failed, but God didn’t. There are things about us, flaws, failure, weaknesses, patterns of behavior that many will say disqualify us. Those failures do not nullify God’s grace to and through you. His grace and purpose is bigger than your failure or blunder. […]

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