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Content by Sam Hinn

Note To Self- Detach Yourself From Yourself

I must be detached from others in the sense that my behavior is not controlled by what someone else does. Until I am detached from himself, I will never be detached from what others do to that self. “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in […]

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God Doesn’t Have A Dark side

If we’ve been called to represent the character of God, we need to reevaluate how we think about his anger. Sometimes we can treat God’s anger like the embarrassing uncle in our extended family. It’s as if we’re working hard to keep this attribute of God away from public exposure. Are we secretly worried about […]

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Steps For Change

The Bible is all about the grace of change. It’s a story of new beginnings and fresh starts. The Bible holds before us that hope that we can change, and in so doing, act and speak in new and better ways. And although the Bible clearly presents that change generally is a process and not […]

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Your Friend Is Not The Problem

Have you ever been let down by a friend? I know the answer is most likely a resounding yes! There will be many times in life where you are the victim. This is a hard theological pill to swallow but an important step in your healing: As the victim, you are still responsible for your […]

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The Biblical Necessity of Betrayal

There are two road to renown. One cannot help but be deeply impressed with the contrast found in Matthew 26:6-13 between Judas and Mary. Both are destined for renown, but by two completely different roads. Mary will earn fame, Judas infamy. The critical contrast between those whose memory will become a blemish and those who […]

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When Our Disgrace Is Big, God’s Grace Is Even Bigger

If you are like me and have failed or fallen into disgrace, it’s not the end. Every crises can bring with it shame and disgrace. We know that God is a God of restoration, redemption and reconciliation. He is not going to give up on us. Don’t let disgrace be the last chapter of your […]

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Learning To Say “NO” Not Just To Others- But To Yourself

At times we are hit powerfully with compelling emotions. At times it will be hurt, sometimes fear, sometimes irritation, sometimes anger. If you go where those emotions lead you, you will do and say things that you should not do or say. Learning to say, “NO” I don’t mean saying “no” to other people. What […]

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When Enough Is Enough…

“One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD, all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple.” (Psa 27:4) I can run from situations; I can run from locations; I can […]

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How Should We Relate To Our Past

What power does your past have in your life? The past CAN be a very powerful part of life. It’s a short little word and sadly has often tried to define us. “There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according […]

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A Horribly Beautiful Friday

The most horrible thing that ever happened was the most beautiful thing to ever happen. As we reflect on Good Friday, we turn our attention to the bloody cross of the Lord Jesus. Could it be possible for something to happen that was more terrible than this? Could any injustice be greater? Could any loss […]

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