Jesus Didn’t Triumph with the Crowd, He triumphed with the Cross!
Consider the paradox: to the disciples, the triumphal entry was the high point, and the Cross was the low point. But in terms of our salvation, the triumphal entry wasn’t the high point, the Cross was! There is a beautiful truth for our lives in this paradox. We will never find our identity in the […]
View Jesus Didn’t Triumph with the Crowd, He triumphed with the Cross!
Jesus Didn’t Triumph with the Crowd, He triumphed with the Cross!
Consider the paradox: to the disciples, the triumphal entry was the high point, and the Cross was the low point. But in terms of our salvation, the triumphal entry wasn’t the high point, the Cross was! There is a beautiful truth for our lives in this paradox. We will never find our identity in the […]
View Jesus Didn’t Triumph with the Crowd, He triumphed with the Cross!
Your Life Is A Story Told In A Tapestry
It is critical to understand that the artist creating the tapestry works from the back of the tapestry. The back of the tapestry is your story in the present moment. The front of the tapestry is the finished story, while the back is the story as it is being created. There are two sides to […]
Your Life Is A Story Told In A Tapestry
It is important to understand that the artist creating the tapestry works from the back of the tapestry. The back of the tapestry is your story in the present moment. The front of the tapestry is the finished story, while the back is the story as it is being created. There are two sides to […]
Some Characteristics of Toxic People
Toxic as a noun is a poisonous substance and toxic people are poisonous to our spiritual health and to the mission of the church. Here are a few of the characteristics: Lying Manipulation They are never wrong Unwilling to hear feedback Hidden agendas (they say they want a peace treaty, but they want to gouge […]
Toxic People Can’t Stand Healthy Relationships
They are master manipulators and can be charming in their efforts to get their way, but will attack anything standing in their way. Often our Christian response in dealing with toxic people is to try and stick around, pouring more and more energy, love, and care into the relationship hoping they will change. Jesus said […]
The Indispensable Man
Sometimes when you are feeling really important. When your ego is in full bloom. You’re the best person in the room. When you feel that your going will leave an unfilled hole, follow this simple instruction and see how it humbles you. Take a bucket and fill it with water, put your hands in it […]
You’re A Beautiful Mosaic
In a mosaic, the artist arranges pieces of cut or broken stone or tile, to create a decorative pattern. We may struggle to grasp the overall design of a mosaic when we’re looking at the individual pieces up close. All we see are broken pieces. But when we step back far enough to view the […]
May God Give You A Jonathan…
There are times in life when God touches the heart of someone to uniquely see our future and propel us with unfathomable love and protection into that future. This is as mysterious as it is sobering and can only be adequately explained as a divine act. That is at the core of the relationship between […]
He Will Restore The Years The Locusts Have Eaten
This is one of the most fascinating scriptures full of amazing promises, found in Joel 2:25. We love to quote it and we should but it is important to remember the context. “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.” That is a promise certainly worth claiming. Remember that it is based […]