The Missing Ingredient
Christianity is not about activity, theology, or evangelism. While all of those are good and meaningful aspects of Christianity, they miss one key ingredient. In a word, Christianity is about LOVE. The core of the Christian message is God’s love for the undeserving and the call to love God above all else. Christianity is about […]
Discover The Joy in The Waiting…
God is calling you to wait because He is doing things in you, through you, and around you that are very good. He has not forgotten you; He calls you to wait precisely because He loves you. Waiting changes you and helps you be an instrument of change for others who are waiting, too. Find […]
Setting Boundaries is HEALTHY
When we set limits on others, we say, “We can’t do that!” We can limit our exposure to people behaving poorly; we can’t change them or make them act right. Our example is God. He doesn’t set limits on people to make them behave. He sets standards and principles. The Bible says to separate ourselves […]
God Shall All Your Need Supply
God shall supply all your needs, don’t ask how or why. All the needs you cannot see. Your need for grace to overcome weakness. Your need for power to fight and win. Your need to trust Him when the way is dark. Your need for healing for every pain. Your need for love to make […]
“Then David GOT UP from the ground.” (2 Sam 12:20)
No goose-pumps. No prophesy. No warm feelings. He simply got up. I think everything David was dealing with was saying stay down. When he realized the child was dead. He got up from the ground! What he did next was critically important, “After he had washed, put on lotions and changed his clothes, he went […]
Pack Your Bag, You’re Going on a Guilt Trip
Guilt often has a way of restraining and redirecting us. Guilt can become a burden too heavy to carry. It can suck the joy out of life. Unresolved and unnecessary guilt can trap us in a prison of despair. I’ve seen people hurt themselves and others by failing to deal constructively with guilt in a […]
Freedom Without Virtue Is Permission To Do Evil
Freedom is one of the most misunderstood and abused concepts in America, which is ironic since you’d normally expect our most cherished principle to at least be one we understand properly. See, freedom is usually thought of as being fundamentally valuable, which means that the purpose of having freedom is to have freedom. Unfortunately, this […]
If There Is No Fear, There Is No Courage
People often mistakenly think that courage is the absence of fear, when in fact courage is precisely the virtue of doing something, you are afraid of. If there is no fear, there can be no courage. Confusion about opposites is the source of many problems in life because we end up fighting the wrong things. […]
Rejection – Satan’s First Strategy for Your Destruction!
We were made to discover our identities through affirmation; however, many did not. So, unless we are healed from this lack of affirmation (rejection) we will never be able to fulfill our God-ordained destiny. The Cure: God alone can heal us from rejection; however, we have an important role. We must get to know God […]
View Rejection – Satan’s First Strategy for Your Destruction!
Rejection – Satan’s First Strategy for Your Destruction!
We were made to discover our identities through affirmation; however, many did not. So, unless we are healed from this lack of affirmation (rejection) we will never be able to fulfill our God-ordained destiny. The Cure: God alone can heal us from rejection; however, we have an important role. We must get to know God […]
View Rejection – Satan’s First Strategy for Your Destruction!