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Use your ears more than your mouth.

| Choices, Relationships

How do I become more sympathetic? Use your ears more than your mouth. In others words, learn to listen. When you learn to listen you will automatically become sympathetic with the other person’s feelings.

Listening says “I care! When you listen to somebody you’re giving them one of the greatest gifts saying, “You matter to me. You’re valuable. What you’re saying is valuable.”

Listening says. “I care about you.” People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” (James 1:19)

If you do the first two, the third one is automatic. If you’re quick to listen and slow to speak you will become slow to anger. One of my struggles has been that I’m usually so busy being quick to speak, we’re so busy trying to get our opinion across, wanting them to understand us, that we often miss what they’re saying!


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