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The irrationality of Grace

| God's Grace

There is no logical explanation as to why God would give such a gift to those who receive it. None!

Since Grace and its irrationality is the foundation of the Scriptures, has me reflecting on a few things that don’t ‘make sense’.

I forgive because I am forgiven and to be forgiven.
I am made content through sufferings.
I am made great by becoming small.
I am exalted when I am humble.
I gain strength when I am weak.
I triumph through defeat.
I live by daily dying.
I am first by putting myself last.

Real riches have nothing to do with what I own.
Real wisdom has nothing to do with what I know.
Real salvation has nothing to do with what I do.
Real freedom has nothing to do with what I choose.
Real value has nothing to do with my accomplishments.
Real beauty has nothing to do with what I see.
Real strength has nothing to do with what I can bear.
Real love has nothing to do with what I feel.
Real power has nothing to do with what I control.

It doesn’t make sense, and that’s why I believe!


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