The Four Emotions Connected To Loss In Life.
This post tonight is for those who are battling grief over someone or something taken. When you’ve had a major setback, you start by unloading your emotions.
Job’s faced a disaster in his life. In Job 1:20, it says this about Job, “Job stood up, he tore his robes in grief…” To this day this is a Middle Eastern custom, “And he shaved his head.” That’s the Middle Eastern custom, “And then he fell to the ground and he worshiped God.”
He’s acting in total HUMILITY, and in DESPAIR, and in DOUBT, and in FRUSTRATION, and ANGER. Anytime you have loss in your life, any kind of loss, you’re going to have four emotions. You’re going to have ANGER. Why did this happen to me? You’re going to have GRIEF. What have I lost? You’re going to have SHOCK. What’s going on here? You’re going to have questions. Why did this happen? I can’t believe this is going on. You’re going to have FEAR. What’s going to happen next?
God can handle any emotion you’ve got, and you know why? Because God gave them to you. The only reason you have any feelings, emotions, is because you are made in the image of God.
The right response to loss, or tragedy, is not to grin and bear it. The right response when someone you know causes a setback in your life, God never wants you to fake an emotion. Remember that.