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Be Careful Not To Trash People God Created

| God's Grace, Love

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27)

All people have the DNA of God inside of them. This means that even though human beings are fallen and broken, they are still image-bearers.

That includes the people you disagree with, you don’t like, and who look, act, and believe differently than you!

God doesn’t love us because He has to. He loves us because He wants to. He delights in us! We are His handiwork, and made uniquely.

God didn’t wait to love us until we got our act together, figured things out, or had perfect theology. (Romans 5:8)

Jesus felt that we were worth His very life even in our darkest moments. This wasn’t based on our behavior or our beliefs. He showed that He valued us, just as we are, more than His own life.

All human beings are a very precious work of Divine art. If we are truly His followers, we should be treating all people, including those we most disagree with, as being worthy of Christ’s life.

Be Salt- Be Light!


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